Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Second Alphabet - Callie


Puisque ce sont les vacances, j'en ai profité pour essayer d'écrire deux lettres de plus pour le deuxième alphabet d'Une lettre par semaine...
Since it is the holidays, I took the opportunity to try to write two more letters to the alphabet A second letter a week ...

Mais il y a encore du boulot, parce que finalement, je n'ai que neuf lettres d'écrites... Je ne suis pas rendue au bout de l'alphabet...
But there is still work to do, because ultimately, I have only nine letters written ... I'm not made ​​at the end of the alphabet ...

Bonne journée
Good day


  1. Hi Callie,
    These letters are so beautiful, like fine lace, I enjoyed you amusing tale in previous of walnut meeting water, but so annoying after all the work that must go into each one, but these calamities can happen so best to laugh about it.

  2. I think you should take all the time you ned for these letters Callie - they are worth waiting for.


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